Dear Lady,
Your letter has found me in the darkness. I know not if for me it was intended but to me it has come all the same.
I write to you in the shape of a man. As ever it was in this life. The man is set about with great pains in spirit and oft subject to torments of the fiends. In him I see something of your own travails.
Now he is a thing. Soon he will be n0 thing at all.
I would council you to a place of stillness and of rest. For though you feel a great buffeting about your spirit remember that though your travails do pain you; greater still is the love in which you are held as you endure them. As was shewn to me at the time of my first dying, no worldly peace can hold us very long. This place is prison, this life is penance and erelong the mortal things to which we cleave so fiercely shall fall away and leave us with n0ught but shadow in the end.
The man in whose shape I rest has seen this. Great was his worldly pain and slow his spirit. I have shewn to him that through blessed n0ughting his pains may be transf0rmed int0 endless w0rship.
Kn0w f0r certain that y0ur t0rment is seen and th0ugh 0ft times may feel great en0ugh t0 fill the w0rld entire remember that the w0rld is just a little thing, s0 small a thing as t0 fit in the palm 0f your hand. Give thanks f0r this revelati0n as I did bef0re y0u and in seeing this life f0r what it is rej0ice; f0r by the same hand that all that is beautiful is made s0 t00 is all that is f0ul made h0ly and shineth brighter that ever it c0uld with0ut first y0ur little pains by which t0 measure it.
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