T0m0rr0w I will pay a man 0n an0ther c0ntinent t0 make me disappear. F0r this he asked me f0r a l0t but I will give him even m0re and in truth am full glad t0 d0 s0.
This is t0 several ends; n0 trace in image 0r in w0rd and n0 trace in m0ney. S0 t00 are my financial 0bligati0ns attended t0; bills and rent and all else t0 be paid at the relevant intervals until the end 0f the year hereafter. En0ugh time f0r spaces t0 be filled. The rest will g0 t0 w0rthy causes in the h0pe that my absence may see m0re g00d d0ne than my presence.
The r0ute has been pl0tted and arrangements made. The man 0n an0ther c0ntinent kn0ws a man 0n an0ther c0ntinent wh0 is an expert in this field. Late night c0rresp0ndence is the n0rm as their times are different fr0m mine but I am used t0 this by n0w, her time is n0t my time either. Perhaps my time is n0t my time as well...
Letters will be sent. Kind letters I will tell myself are en0ugh t0 s00the cruelty 0f their sending. I am travelling light (as stipulated by the man 0n an0ther c0ntinent but this is ideal f0r me) with n0ught but new papers; t0 be hid away as s00n as they may, that this strange sec0nd life may be f0rg0t as quickly as it came, a little f00d and water, a change 0f cl0thes and a b00k. Her b00k.
Shape sp0tted in the hallway again t0day, it hurts my eyes t0 l00k t00 cl0sely. N0 matter. N0w I am a thing, s00n I will be n0 thing at all.
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